- Description
2015, Boiry-Becquerelle FR
In the collaboration with the Elementary School of Boiry-Becquerelle
For some years children of the Elementary School of Boiry-Becquerelle have class in a prefab, installed in the playground. They are waiting for safety standard work to be completed by the municipality, in order to reinstate the original classroom situated in the townhall. Because of the existing situation of just one issue, this classroom can only contain 19 pupils – according to the regulations. As a performance, one class was organized in this unauthorized classroom, respecting the legal number of people. That day there were 22 pupils. This situation obliged 3 pupils be placed elsewhere. A “relay pupil” communicated between the 3 outdoor pupils and the rest of the class. At the change of each exercise (reading, vocabulary etc.), they changed places.
- Details
– seats
– tables
– duration 1 hour
- Partners
– Communauté de Communes Sud Artois
– DRAC Hauts-de-France
– Rectorat de l’académie de Lille
– Direction des services départementaux de l’éducation nationale du Pas-de-Calais
Action realized during the artistic residency Sud Artois 2015