
Anne Moirier

- Description

2018, Roubaix FR

With patients and the nursing staff of the Roubaix Hospital Addiction Unit.

During a round, letters were slipped into the pillboxes of patients. They were distributed by two nurses in the early hours of the morning. Around fifty members of the medical and nursing team were asked to write anonymous letters to the 18 patients. The letters included poems, proverbs and thoughts. When the pills were distributed in the morning, the nurses took time out with the patient to read the letter and, if necessary, to talk things over. It was a unique form of care that accompanied the patient’s thoughts beyond that day. A writing workshop was then set up with them to write new letters for future arrivals.

- Details

– A4 sheets
– ribbon
– pillboxes
– 2 carts
– duration 1 h

- Partners

ARS Hauts-de-France
DRAC Hauts-de-France
Roubaix Hospital

Action realised during the Culture-Santé programme at the Roubaix hospital

Letters rolled up and tied before distribution

The letters are placed in the pillboxes on the cart. Each number corresponds to a room.